
Keep Nets prohibited on the Back Water
The Backwater again was part of the one single clay pit and was cut off from the main body of water in the Brasside development work. Contains criucian carp, tench, some carp, smaller pike and perch, and is an ideal water for juniors/anglers new to fishing.
Some members have reported some great summer mornings catching a mixture of Crucian carp/Roach/Rudd/Bream.
Anglers have reported pike and big perch being present with the pike being moved to the east and west if caught to help growth and retaining stock levels. Raking a swim before fishing has been approached over the last 2 seasons with great results, pole & float tactics most favoured fishing off weed beds at various depths with maggot,pellet,corn meat & casters.
General and Specific Brasside Water Rules
Please note: These waters are open all year for fishing except at periods when it be deemed not to be in the interests of the fish stocks or for any maintenance work to be carried out
Re Junior Members: As of the May 2012 GMC meeting Junior members are not permitted to fish any club/association water after the hour of sunset. This rule replaces all others relating to Junior members and night fishing, accompanied or otherwise.
All Waters:
Ø All nets/sacks to be dipped in the bins (when/if) provided before commencement of fishing. Please wash and thoroughly dry all nets after every session, preferably left to dry in the open whenever possible. Please also use the trays (again when/if provided) for footwear. Fish are expensive to replace.
Ø No live baiting allowed on any of the Brasside waters. Only sea fish and commercially prepared dead’ baits’ allowed.
Ø No open fires, (only gas stoves etc) Swimming, wading or boating is prohibited at all times. Bait boats can be used (West water only) but please consider other anglers
Ø Any angler found to be under the influence of alcohol or/and drugs will be asked to leave. (Our insurers do not cover and other anglers could be put at risk)
Ø Please remove and take home all litter from your swim. Any litter found will be as assumed to be yours whether it is or not. The Club does not provide litter bins.
Ø Please report catches/ individual large fish taken either by telephone, the club web forum, e-mail or letter, the Club Management Committee NEEDS to know what is being caught, and from which water.
Ø Only D.C.A.C. Members, their guests and exchange Permit holders, are allowed at Brasside. Please ask any one there without a valid permit to leave immediately. Any Member knowingly allowing unauthorised persons to remain/give access to, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Ø Disabled Pegs: (when constructed) If a non Disabled Member is occupying a designated disabled peg they should vacate that peg if a disabled member wishes to use it.
Ø No Guest permits will be issued to fish from 5-00 PM Friday’s to 8-00 AM Monday’s for the West Water. Does not apply to the East, Canal and Back waters
Ø Please use the official D.C.A.C. access gate and car park. D.C.A.C. accept no responsibility for any loss or injury suffered by any Member, or guest of a member
Ø Night Fishing allowed ONLY on the Specimen East and West water.(see Rule: 13. re: Juniors/West water
Ø Under no circumstances should the gate combination number be given to non members. Please ensure the gate is l locked at all times and that the combination number is scrambled.
Ø Any member/angler found to be illegally introducing fish to any D.C.A.C. waters will have their membership/Permit withdrawn immediately and may face prosecution. New fines can now be imposed of up to £50,000, waters drained and cost paid by/recovered from the individual concerned.
Ø Fish to be retained* for the minimum length of time If using a sack, one fish/sack and no fish to be kept overnight.
Except for *Except for in official match events, and then large fish to be witnessed and verified and then returnedge
Ø All other ‘common sense’ rules to apply. Behave responsibly and respect other anglers using the waters.
Ø Anyone found to be under the influence of alcohol will be asked to leave the club water for their own and others safety (Our insurers do not cover and other anglers could be put at risk)
(b) Anyone found to be in procession of illegal drugs will be reported to the appropriate authority and if found guilty will have their membership terminated
Do not damage trees or bushes and do not interfere with the wildlife. Only personal audio equipment with earphones to be used, and no loud or bad language to be used.
*Except for in official match events, and then large fish to be witnessed and verified and then returned.