Club Constitution

1. Name
The name of the club shall be "Durham City Angling Club" (Hereafter referred to in this constitution as the Club.)
2. Objects
The objects of the club shall be to provide angling facilies for its members, to promote social amenities and further the interests of the Cluband other Clubs or Associations having similar aims
3. Membership Classes.
There shall be six (6) classes of membership:- Senior (age 21 to 65); Retired (age over 65); Intermediate (age 17 to 21);
Junior (age up to 17) Concessionary; Honorary/Life Member. The numbers of Concessionary and Honorary/Life members shall be controlled by the management committee.
Concessionary memberships can be awarded free of charge to persons or organisations that benefit the club by either significant material donations or services and will be awarded annually.
Honorary/Life memberships are awarded free of charge to members who have significantly benefited the club through regular long term physical or academic work, and are valid for the life of the member.
Nominations for Honorary Memberships shall be considered by the management Committee and presented at the AGM subject to Clause 11 Para. (iii)
Senior, Retired, Intermediate and Junior memberships shall be validated upon payment of the relevant annual subscription and where appropriate the entrance fee,
Vice-Presidents, Honorary/Life, Senior, Retired, and Intermediate members shall have full voting rights. Junior members will not have automatic voting rights; they will have the right of representation to the Management Committee through the Junior Secretary where appointed.
4. Membership Renewal
Application for Membership renewal should be made via "Clumbate" or whichever online system the Club management may decide to use, or by post on the the official form* and will only be considered when accompanied by the appropriate fee and a Self Addressed , Stamped envelope. (* Can be downloaded from the Club website or provided by the Secretary)
5. Suspension or Termination of Membership:
The Management Committee is empowered to suspend, or terminate, the Membership of any person whose conduct is, in its opinion, contrary to the rules of the Club or to the detriment of the Club’s interests, including derogatory comments on social media.
Such action should only be taken after thorough investigation of the circumstances. Refund of subscription shall be at the discretion of the committee. Members will have the right to request a review of such decisions.
A member who resigns or whose membership is suspended or terminated shall forfeit all rights or privileges immediately, but shall remain liable for the return of any property belonging to the Club, or any dues or debts owed to the Club, which were incurred before the date of resignation/suspension or termination of membership.
Anyone putting themselves or others at risk or acting in an aggressive or belligerent manner will be asked to leave the fishery/water; this may result in immediate termination of membership.
6. Annual Subscriptions (Due 31st January each year):
All Senior, Retired, Intermediate and Junior Members will be required to pay the appropriate Annual Subscription as set at the previous A.G.M. or Special General Meeting. A member who, because of adverse circumstances, is unable to pay the Annual Subscription may, on written application to the Secretary, be granted an extension of time at the discretion of the Committee. Any members found fishing Club waters after 31st January who has not renewed their membership, and who has not been granted an extension of time by the Committee would be subject to disciplinary action. New members joining before 30th September will be required to pay the full Subscription and full Entrance Fee (if applicable) at the discretion of the Management Committee. Persons joining after 30th September will be required to pay 50% of the Annual Subscription plus the full Entrance Fee (if applicable) at the discretion of the Management Committee.
7. Meetings:
The Committee has the power to amend meeting arrangements in the best interests of the Club, and such amendments shall be notified immediately to members.
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS. Held on or about the last Tuesday of November, at which Annual Reports and Statements of Accounts shall be presented, relevant elections held, Subscription and Entrance Fees fixed and any rule changes agreed. (See Para.12)
Voting rights at an AGM will be granted to members only after three (3) years continuous membership. Onus is on the member to prove eligibility.
SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS. May be called by the Committee and not less than twenty five (25) members of the Club with signed confirmation upon giving 28 days notice in writing to the Secretary. All signatories requesting said meeting must also attend at that S.G.M.
Written notice of such meetings will be given to all members specifying the arrangements for the meeting and the proposal/s for discussion. No other proposals will be discussed at the meeting.
8. Finance and Assets:
The Financial Year shall be from 1st October to 30th September and the Clubs Records and Statements of Accounts shall be submitted to two Auditors elected at the previous A.G.M.
Throughout the year, the Treasurer shall submit periodic financial statements as required by the Committee. Property belonging to, or held in trust by the Club, shall be insured for amounts at risk determined by the Committee.
9. Management of the Club:
The business and finances of the Club shall be the responsibility of the Committee comprising of those Officers and elected Members specified in Para. 10. The Committee shall meet at least 5 times a year. No Committee meeting shall proceed unless a quorum is present. A quorum is defined as four Officers/Elected Committee Members/Vice Presidents.
10. Officers and Elected Committee Members:
Officers and Committee Members shall normally be elected at the A.G.M. Elections shall be for one year (With the exception of the President and Vice Presidents), with eligibility for re-election.
The Officer posts in question are as follows:-
(i) President
(ii) Vice Presidents (maximum of six)
(iii) Chairman
(iv) Vice Chairman
(v) Secretary
(vi) Treasurer
Elected Committee Members:
There shall be no more than 8 elected members of the Management Committee. However, the Management Committee may, as appropriate, co-opt members of the Club to the Committee.
Co-opted members shall not have voting rights.
Eligibility for Committee Membership (amended 2024 AGM)
An Officer or Elected Committee member who fails to attend three consecutive Committee Meetings (without reasonable cause) may be invited by the Committee to resign his/her post. No member, who in the previous year, failed without reasonable cause, to attend three of that years Committee Meetings shall be ineligible to be a member of the Committee.
A member will be eligible for committee membership only after 3 years continuous membership. Members with less than 3 years continuous membership may be co-opted on to the committee at the discretion of the Management committee but shall not have voting rights. The onus is on the member to prove eligibility.
11. Terms of Reference:
The Committee is empowered to-
(i) Appoint Sub-committees for any purpose.
(ii) Make, amend or repeal such rules and regulations (which are consistent with this constitution) as considered necessary for the effective management and running of the Club. All rules and regulations shall be binding on the membership of the Club until rescinded by the Committee or set aside by resolution, properly proposed, at an Annual or Special General Meeting. The Committee is the sole authority for the interpretation of these terms and of these rules and regulations made there-under.
(iii) Refuse to accept, or refund any Entrance Fee, Subscription or part of same.
(iv) Fill any vacancy for either Officer or Elected Member of the Committee which may exist after an A.G.M. or be created between A.G.M’s.
(v) Appoint any Trustees as may be required, indemnify all Trustees and Officials against liability arising from their authorised actions on behalf of the Club. Trustees to be empowered to exercise all powers of the Club to borrow money and to mortgage or charge its undertaking, property and uncalled capital, or any part thereof, and other securities whether outright,or as a security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Club or any third party.
(vi) Rent or purchase any fishing rights on behalf of the Club, and raise any necessary capital to do so.
12. Alteration to the Constitution or Club Rules:
Amendments or additions to this Constitution or to the Rules of the Club can only be made at an A.G.M. or S.G.M.of the Club. Any member wishing to propose any alterations to the Constitution, General Rules, nomination of Officers or Official posts and Committee positions must forward a signed copy of the proposal/s and or nomination/s to the Secretary to arrive no later than 28 days before the date of the meeting at which it is to be considered.
The management committee have the authority to alter or create rules, or amend the constitution when necessary to protect the clubs interests. Any such changes must be ratified at the following AGM or SGM
13. Club Assets and amenities:
All decisions made by the Management Committee or at an A.G.M. and S.G.M. in relation to Club assets and amenities must be agreed and ratified by 75% of the Vice Presidents of the Club.
The Vice Presidents have the right to remove the committee if in their opinion they are deemed to be acting against club interests.
An SGM may be called to elect a new committee.
Should the club be required to disband, all of the available assets, after all debts have been paid, will be passed on to a smaller group who have similar aims with fishing added
14. Brasside Ponds:
The Vice-Presidents will form a Management team with no more than 3 committee members, which will be responsible for the running, coordinating the development and operation of the site.
The management team will prepare rules for the site , which are to be ratified by the VPs and management committee.