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DCAC Rules


2 ROD rules apply on the West Lake & East Lake


1. Membership Cards and Bailiffing Duties.


All members must carry their Membership documentation at all times when on Club waters and must produce it when required to do so by the following:-


(i) Any of the Club’s landlords.

(ii) Any employee of a landlord of the Club.

(iii) Any tenant or employee of a landlord of the Club.

(iv) Any E.A. Bailiff.

(v) Any police Officer.

(vi)Any authorised Official Club Bailiff or person, including another member of the Club.


Any person falling into one of the categories listed above has, on the production of their authority/Membership Card, the right to inspect the tackle and catch of any person fishing Club waters.

It is the duty of every member of the Club to challenge and inspect documents of anyone fishing Club waters whom they do not recognise.


2. Rod Licences


All members fishing Club waters must have, with them, a valid, appropriate current rod licence.


3. Guest Permits Application and approval (D.C.A.C. waters only)

  All guest permits, fishing or not,need to be authorised via the on line booking systemor by the Secretary/Membership Secretary.

In the first instance please log onto your "Clubmate" account or email to

Each member is allowed 2 guest permits in one day and a maximum of three permits per membership year.

Please provide the following information.

  • Your name

  • your membership/ID Number

  • Guest name and date of birth

  • Date of fishing 

Please have your guest permit available for inspection if requested

 A guest must fish in an adjoining peg to the member on all waters except the West Lake where they must fish the same swim and the normal 2 rod rule applies to the peg. Guests are not permitted to night fish.       (amended 17/04/2023)

Junior and Intermediate members CANNOT apply for guest permits.


4. Non-Members.


No member is allowed to take non-members with them when fishing any of the Club's waters unless that visitor is in possession of a valid Guest Permit. (except where that person is covered by Rule 5 below)


5. Spouses, Children and Grandchildren


A member’s spouse is allowed to fish D.C.A.C. Club waters if accompanied by the member as is his/her children/grandchildren if under the age of sixteen. This membership benefit is intended for occasional use, any regular use by a member and this benefit may be withdrawn.


6. Access to water and general behaviour


Members must only use recognised paths to the waterside and not trespass. Members must not:

(I)  Light fires.

(ii) Damage fences, trees or the banksides.

(iii) Take dogs with them.

(iv) Leave litter.

(V) Leave gates open.

(vi) Insult any landlord, tenant or anyone associated with the land in question. Behave in a manner likely to cause damage to the Club’s relationship with any of it’s riparian owners or generally harm the welfare or image of the Club.

7. Allowed methods.

 (i)All legal methods as per local byelaws.

(ii) Maggots and Casters are banned during coarse fishing closed season.

 (iii) Groundbait by pole cup or feeder only

 (iv) Winter ticket members are prohibited from fishing with lures or spinners at Brasside



8. Takeable Trout.


This rule obsoleted by rule 9 changes.


9. Bag and catch limits (trout)


  Above the existing water bylaws and conditions of Environment Agency fishing licenses, the club will require its members to catch and release all Brown Trout and Grayling. A kill limit of no more than 2 Salmon and 4 Sea Trout per rod per rod per annum is hereby imposed on all members.

The committee may, at its discretion, reduce the bag and catch limit for a period deemed necessary.


10. Retention of fish


Subject to Rule 9 on page 21 all coarse fish caught on Club waters  shall be returned alive to the water before the angler concerned leaves the water, Keepnets must always be used if fish are not to returned to the water immediately except in the case of carp over 5lbs(2.3kg) which may be kept in a keepnet during an organised competition, but which under normal circumstances shall be retained in a carp sack. (one fish per sack)

** Please read new EA National Bye Laws re the retention of fish. New size and species limits apply from 2010



11. Keepnets


Keepnets and landing nets used on Club waters, or during Club matches and outings, must be of the “knotless” variety . Keepnets must not be less than 8ft. (2.5mts) in length with circular rings of not less than 18 ins. (450 mm) in diameter, (or 18 ins. [450 mm.] by 14 ins.[355 mm.] minimum if rectangular), and rings spaced not more than 400mm. apart throughout the length of the net.

Sacks; only one fish to be kept in a sack and only for the minimum time required. Fish should not be kept overnight.


12. Foul-hooked fish


All foul-hooked fish must be returned to the water immediately.


13. River Etiquette 


No member shall fish less than 12 yards (11 metres) above or below another angler who is bottom fishing, or 25 yards (23 metres) above or below another angler who is fly fishing, without their agreement.


Sea Trout and Salmon anglers are requested to spend no more than half an hour per pool when other anglers are fishing the river


14. Litter.


Any member found leaving litter, discarded tackle etc. on any of the Club’s waters may be called before the Management Committee and may be expelled from the Club without refund of subscription. Each member is responsible for his/her own litter which should be taken home and disposed of.



15. Radios, Cassette players etc.


The playing of radios or any other sound reproducing equipment by members or their guests on Club or Associated waters is prohibited unless used with personal earphones.


16. Complaints and correspondence


All complaints , giving the name, address and membership number of the complainant, should be submitted in writing to the Club Secretary. Correspondence requiring a reply should be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope.


17. Maximum number of rods.


No member shall use more than two rods when fishing running waters controlled by the club - at Brasside a maximum of TWO rods are permitted on the East and West Lakes.


18. Junior Members.

There is no charge (£0) for a Junior membership.

A Junior member, up to their 17th birthday, must register as a member on our online system or by post to the address shown on the website.

 Junior members must be supervised at all times when on club waters by a parent or legal guardian or other adult as designated in writing to a club official by the parent or legal guardian.

Parents, Guardians or designated Adults who are not themselves members of DCAC, and do not fish, should contact the Secretary requesting a concessionary membership.


Junior members of DCAC shall not fish, be present on any club/association waters, land or property, after the hours of sunset and before the hours of sunrise (or at times to be decided by the General Management Committee)  unless accompanied at all times by a parent/legal guardian who must also be a Senior member of Durham City Angling Club. When fishing at Brasside a junior member must occupy the same peg/swim as the parent member. (Rule introduced AGM 27-11-2012)


19. Anyone found to be under the influence of alcohol  will be asked to leave the club water for their own and others     safety (Our insurers do not cover and other anglers could be put at risk)

(b) Anyone found to be in procession of illegal drugs will be reported to the appropriate authority and if found guilty will have their membership terminated


When introduced, all EA Byelaws to over-ride all Club rules and regulations

Durham City Angling Club

Social Media Policy (As of 20/4/2022)

Durham City Angling Club does not, at this time, use social media to communicate with its members.

However, social media interest groups are monitored for inappropriate content regarding the club, its committee and individuals thereof.

Any member who posts content referring to The Club, Its Committee or individuals thereof, on any social media platform, including email, that is in any way untrue and detrimental to the club’s image and wellbeing, or wrongly criticises the committee or members thereof or causes upset or anxiety for those individuals, will be liable to have their membership terminated in accordance with the constitution Article 11 para iii. Refund of fees will be at the discretion of the committee.

Where the content is libelous or threatening the appropriate authority will be notified.

Members who feel they have a grievance or wish to communicate with the committee may do so by email to  All emails will be answered.

General and Specific Brasside Water Rules

revised 9/5/2022



 NB. Rules on the complex may change due to particular circumstances. Any changes or notification will be posted on the notice boards at Brasside. It is the responsibility of  each individual to check the notice boards on each visit.


These waters are open all year for fishing except at periods when it be deemed not to be in the interests of the fish stocks or for any maintenance work to be carried out

Re Junior Members: As of the May 2012 GMC meeting Junior members are not permitted to fish any club/association water after the hour of sunset. This rule replaces all others relating to Junior members and night fishing, accompanied or otherwise.


All Waters:

Ø All nets/sacks to be dipped in the bins (when/if) provided before commencement of fishing. Please wash and thoroughly dry all nets after every session, preferably left to dry in the open whenever possible. Please also use the trays (again when/if provided) for footwear. Fish are expensive to replace.

​Ø All legal methods of fishing allowed as per local bylaws.


 Ø No fly fishing for health and safety reasons.

Ø Pike fishing from Oct 1st to April 30th

Ø Fishing with lures prohibited from May 1st to September 30th.

Ø Winter ticket members are prohibited from fishing with lures or spinners at Brasside

Ø No fishing over the predator deterrent tapes

 Ø No live baiting allowed on any of the Brasside waters. Only sea fish and commercially prepared dead’ baits’ allowed.


Ø No open fires, (only gas stoves etc) Swimming, wading or boating is prohibited at all times. Bait boats can be used (West water only) but please consider other anglers.

Ø Anglers must fish from designated pegs.


 Ø Please remove and take home all litter from your swim. Any litter found will be as assumed to be yours whether it is or not. The Club does not provide litter bins.


Ø Please report catches/ individual large fish taken either by telephone, the club web forum, e-mail or letter, the Club Management Committee NEEDS to know what is being caught, and from which water.


Ø Only D.C.A.C. Members, their guests and exchange Permit holders, are allowed at Brasside. Please ask any one there without a valid permit to leave immediately. Any Member knowingly allowing unauthorised persons to remain/give access to, will be subject to disciplinary action.


Ø Disabled Pegs: (when constructed) If a non Disabled Member is occupying a designated disabled peg they should vacate that peg if a disabled member wishes to use it.


Ø No Guest permits will be issued to fish from 5-00 PM Friday’s to 8-00 AM Monday’s for the West Water. Does not apply to the East, Canal and Back waters


Ø Please use the official D.C.A.C. access gate and car park. D.C.A.C. accept no responsibility for any loss or injury suffered by any Member, or guest of a member


Ø Night Fishing, when allowed, ONLY on the East and West water.(see Rule: 13. re: Juniors/West water


Ø Under no circumstances should the gate combination number be given to non members. Please ensure the gate is l locked at all times and that the combination number is scrambled.



Ø Any member/angler found to be illegally introducing fish to any D.C.A.C. waters will have their membership/Permit withdrawn immediately and may face prosecution. New fines can now be imposed of up to £50,000, waters drained and cost paid by/recovered from the individual concerned.

Ø Fish to be retained* for the minimum length of time If using a sack, one fish/sack and no fish to be kept overnight.


Ø All other ‘common sense’ rules to apply. Behave responsibly and respect other anglers using the waters.



Ø Anyone found to be under the influence of alcohol  will be asked to leave the club water for their own and others safety (Our insurers do not cover and other anglers could be put at risk)

(b) Anyone found to be in procession of illegal drugs will be reported to the appropriate authority and if found guilty will have their membership terminated.

  Ø  No Prebaiting

Prebaiting is now prohibited at DCAC Brasside complex

A resolution, unanimously passed at the committee meeting of 13/09/2022 prohibits prebaiting on the Brasside complex, to protect water quality and safeguard fish health.

No bait shall be put into any water except from the peg being fished and only during a bona fide fishing session.


Do not damage trees or bushes and do not interfere with the wildlife. Only personal audio equipment with earphones to be used, and no loud or bad language to be used.

*Except for in official match events, and then large fish to be witnessed and verified and then returned.

Anchor 1


now operational 


Durham City Angling Club supports 'Pawz for Thought' animal shelter.

Click on the paw to go to their website 

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© 2018 by Durham City Angling Club All rights reserved.        Website Built by Andy Wright ( RIP Andy) Maintained by Den Lilley

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